RESUMEN: Xi y Biden conversan sobre temas estratégicos y …

(Xinhua/Ding Lin) SAN FRANCISCO, 15 nov (Xinhua) -- El presidente de China, Xi Jinping, y su homólogo de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, mantuvieron el miércoles un franco y profundo intercambio de visiones sobre temas estratégicos y generales que son críticos para la dirección de las relaciones entre ambos países y otros grandes asuntos …

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Xinhua Headlines: How Belt and Road has changed an

Last December when Xi'an was faced with a new resurgence of COVID-19, Daurov volunteered to help with nucleic acid tests and food delivery. "I am a foreigner, but I am not an outsider," he said. A Chang'an China-Europe freight train leaves for Kazakhstan from Xi'an International Port in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, July 29, 2022.

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Implementing the New Development Philosophy to …

The new development philosophy is a systematic framework that addresses a series of theoretical and practical questions about development goals, drivers, methods, and approaches, and it delineates the political parameters of the CPC, such as its stance, values, model, and path concerning development. We must implement this philosophy …

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Texto íntegro: Discurso de Xi Jinping en la ceremonia con …

Xi Jinping, secretario general del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China (PCCh), presidente de China y presidente de la Comisión Militar Central, pronunció un discurso hoy jueves en Beijing durante la ceremonia con motivo del centenario de la fundación del PCCh. El siguiente es la traducción al español del texto íntegro del discurso.

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El presidente Xi Jinping sostiene un encuentro con el …

El presidente Xi Jinping indicó que en la era de las transformaciones nunca vistas en una centuria, China y EE. UU. tienen dos opciones. Una es reforzar la solidaridad y la cooperación para responder de la mano a los desafíos globales y promover la seguridad y la prosperidad mundiales, y la otra es agarrarse a la mentalidad del juego de …

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Xi preside Diálogo de Alto Nivel sobre el Desarrollo Global

BEIJING, 24 junio, 2022 (Xinhua) -- El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, preside el Diálogo de Alto Nivel sobre el Desarrollo Global en formato virtual, en Beijing, capital de China, el 24 de junio de 2022. Xi pronunció un importante discurso titulado "Fomentar una Asociación de Alta Calidad para una Nueva Era del Desarrollo Global".

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Original Multiculturalism: Xuexi Alley in Xi'an

IN the heyday of the majestic Tang Dynasty (618-907), Xuexi Alley, in Lianhu District of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province was home to merchants and tradesmen from home and abroad. Across the country, it was dubbed "Foreign Trade Street," or sometimes "Diplomacy Avenue.". Xuexi Alley was also regarded as the starting point of the Silk Road, the ...

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Xi pide ampliar cooperación China-México en finanzas y …

SAN FRANCISCO, 16 nov (Xinhua) -- El presidente de China, Xi Jinping, pidió hoy jueves ampliar la cooperación China-México en finanzas, vehículos eléctricos y otros sectores emergentes. Xi hizo la declaración durante un encuentro con su homólogo de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, al margen de la 30ª Reunión de Líderes ...

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Xi Jinping delivers keynote speech at opening ceremony of …

President Xi noted that the fundamentals of the Chinese economy -- its strong resilience, enormous potential, vast room for maneuver and long-term sustainability -- remain unchanged. They will provide great dynamism for the stability and recovery of the world economy and broader market opportunities for all countries. China will fully apply …

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A look at how Xi Jinping leads China's COVID-19 fight in 10 …

For the past nearly three years, President Xi Jinping has been leading China in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic. Xinhua reporters recounted some of the key moments and stories of how Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has led the nation …

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Xinhua Headlines-Xi Focus: Xi stresses deepening reform, …

* It is an essential feature of Chinese modernization to pursue common prosperity for all, Xi noted. GUANGZHOU, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed the importance of remaining steadfast in comprehensively deepening reform and expanding high-standard opening up, and urged Guangdong Province, a pacesetter …

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Xi calls state visit to Vietnam successful culmination of …

This time, the state visit to Vietnam as the successful culmination of China's diplomatic efforts this year is of great importance, said General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday as he concluded his two-day state visit to Vietnam.

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Xi talks with Philippine president-elect over phone on ties

Source: Xinhua Updated: . BEIJING -- Chinese President Xi Jinping had a phone conversation with Philippine President-elect Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos on Wednesday morning on bilateral ties and regional development. Xi congratulated Marcos again on his election as the president of the Philippines. He stressed that Marcos …

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Xi says China committed to building Asia-Pacific community …

A logo of APEC 2022 is pictured on a street in Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 16, 2022. (Xinhua/Wang Teng) BANGKOK, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping underscored on Thursday that China is committed to promoting the building of an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future, and will do more to enhance the stability and …

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Xi inspects south China's Guangdong Province

GUANGZHOU -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Monday inspected south China's Guangdong Province. He first went to the city of Zhanjiang, where he visited a mariculture base, an area of mangrove forests, a port, and a water resource allocation project. Xi learned about efforts in …

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Xi holds talks with French president

BEIJING, April 6 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Beijing on Thursday. President Xi welcomed President Macron's visit to China. He noted the profound historic transformation taking place in the world, and pointed out that China and France, as permanent members of the …

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Xi urges continuous efforts to promote high-quality BRI …

22:30. Xi urges continuous efforts to promote high-quality BRI development. -- Xi lauded the BRI for helping China open wider to the world and achieving win-win cooperation between China and participating countries. -- He warned of an ever more complex international environment for the BRI development.

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Inspecting Sichuan, Xi stresses maintaining stable

President Xi Jinping stressed maintaining stable economic development and overall social stability during his inspection in southwest China's Sichuan Province. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, underscored resolutely implementing the decisions …

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Xi Jinping'den ABD'ye dünya barışı için birlikte çalışma çağrısı

Çin Medya Grubu (CMG) Başkanı Shen Haixiong, 1 Ocak 2024 tarihinde Çin Global Televizyon Ağı (CGTN), Çin Uluslararası Radyosu (CRI) ve internet üzerinden dünya genelinde tüm dinleyicilerin, izleyicilerin ve internet kullanıcılarının yeni yılını kutladı. Çin Cumhurbaşkanı Xi Jinping, 2023 yılının son gününde yeni yıl ...

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Xi Jinping pronuncia discurso en la inauguración virtual de la …

Xi Jinping apuntó que, la continua propagación del virus nos exige aún más esfuerzos en su control y tratamiento. También quiso plantear las siguientes propuestas: Primero, hacer los máximos esfuerzos por llevar a buen nivel el control y tratamiento de COVID-19. Esta es la prioridad en este momento.

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Rising to Challenges and Building a Bright Future Through …

For us to break through the mist and embrace a bright future, the biggest strength comes from cooperation and the most effective way is through solidarity. Over the past two years and more, the international community has been working extremely hard to respond to the COVID-19 challenge and boost global recovery and development.

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About Xi Jinping

About Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping, born in June 1953, is a male ethnic Han from Fuping, Shaanxi Province. He entered the workforce in January 1969 and joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in January 1974. He graduated from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tsinghua University with a major in Marxist theory and ideological and ...

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¡Eterna sea la amistad entre China y el Perú!

El Perú es el único país en el mundo que usa el término cantonés "chīfàn" ("chifa") para referirse a restaurantes chinos, y los peruanos usan el término "paisano" para dirigirse a sus amigos chinos, lo cual demuestra la amistad sincera entre ambos pueblos.

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China, Central Asian countries vow to build community with …

BEIJING -- China and five Central Asian countries vowed on Tuesday to build an even closer community with a shared future, as Chinese President Xi Jinping chaired a virtual summit commemorating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the five countries. As China's first major diplomatic activity ...

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Full text of Xi's remarks at Session I of G20 summit in Bali

BALI, Indonesia -- Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build a Better Future here Tuesday at the first session of the 17th summit of the Group of 20 (G20). The following is the full text of the speech: Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build …

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"To me, you are America": Xi Jinping's interactions with …

First impressions always matter. Xi's opinion of the American people has much to do with his first visit to the United States. Xi led a five-person agricultural delegation to look into farm technology in Muscatine, in the midwestern state of Iowa, a leader in the country's agricultural production of corn and soybeans.

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Xi to attend G20 Summit, APEC Economic Leaders' meeting …

He will attend the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, as well as visit Thailand from November 17 to 19, at the invitation of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha of the Kingdom of Thailand, Hua said. According to Hua, on the sidelines of the G20 Summit and the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, Xi will hold …

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Ministerio de Comercio de la República Popular China

MOFCOM Noticiario. Inversión extranjera directa en China llega a 146.450 millones de dólares entre enero y noviembre 22-12-2023 15:35:22. Comercio exterior de China continúa recuperándose 15-12-2023 15:33:56. China se opone a que EEUU abuse de control de exportaciones y restrinja inversión mutua 09-12-2023 10:08:35.

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Upholding and Advancing Shared Human Values

In his speech at the ceremony marking the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping declared to the world that the Party will continue to work with all peace-loving countries and peoples to promote the shared human values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom, and strive to keep the …

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Nhà máy xi măng lớn nhất Mi-an-ma liên doanh giữa Trung …

Theo Tân Hoa xã: Ngày 26/10, Nhà máy xi măng Than Tô Min lớn nhất ở Mi-an-ma liên doanh giữa Trung Quốc và Mi-an-ma đã đưa dây chuyền sản xuất thứ 2 vào hoạt động, có triển vọng đáp ứng nhu cầu thị trường và tạo ra nhiều viện làm hơn.

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Discurso Principal de S.E. Xi Jinping, Presidente de la …

Xi'an, conocida como Chang'an en tiempos antiguos, es una de las relevantes cunas de la civilización y la nación chinas, y a la vez, el punto de partida oriental de la antigua Ruta de la Seda. Hace más de 2100 años, el enviado de la Dinastía Han de China, Zhang Qian, empezó su viaje hacia el Oeste desde Chang'an, abriendo así la …

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Xi Jinping en la ceremonia inaugural de la Cumbre de Johannesburgo del Foro de Cooperación China-África, celebrada en la capital sudafricana el 4 de diciembre de 2015. "Debemos construir una asociación global caracterizada por la cooperación de ganancia compartida. En la globalización económica de hoy, no hay cabida para el aislamiento.

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Xi pide fomentar nuevos motores de crecimiento para …

Xi hizo la declaración durante una reunión con su homóloga peruana, Dina Boluarte, al margen de la 30ª Reunión de Líderes Económicos del Foro de Cooperación Asia-Pacífico (APEC). Agregó que las dos partes deben generar una sinergia para sus estrategias de desarrollo y fortalecer la cooperación en áreas tradicionales como …

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Xi's inspiring words for young people-- Beijing Review

In his report to the 20th CPC National Congress in 2022, Xi urged the country's young people to steadfastly follow the Party and its guidance, aim high but stay grounded, and dare to think big and take action but make sure to be able to deliver. "You should strive to be the new era's great young generation, a generation with ideals, a …

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RESUMEN: Expertos: Discurso de Xi en sesión virtual de FEM …

BEIJING, 18 ene (Xinhua) -- El discurso que pronunció el presidente de China, Xi Jinping, en la sesión virtual del Foro Económico Mundial (FEM) 2022 arrojó nueva luz sobre la solución de los desafíos de los tiempos, impulsó la confianza en la cooperación global contra la pandemia y reunió fuerzas para la construcción de un mundo post-pandemia …

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Xi Jinping's inspection tour of Xinjiang

Xi made an inspection tour in Xinjiang from Tuesday to Friday. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) URUMQI, July 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently inspected the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in …

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Xi plants trees for 10th year as top leader

BEIJING -- President Xi Jinping on Wednesday planted trees in Beijing, marking the 10th year of his participation as the top leader in the annual tree-planting activity in the Chinese capital. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said he did so to ...

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Xi lands in Riyadh for China-Arab States Summit, China-GCC …

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Riyadh Wednesday afternoon to attend the first China-Arab States Summit and the China-Gulf Cooperation Council summit, and pay a state visit to Saudi Arabia. [Xinhua/Xie Huanchi] This photo taken on Dec. 7, 2022 shows jets releasing smoke in the colors of the Chinese national flag in the sky over …

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